
About Me


Hi I'm Bernadette

With over two decades of experience in providing services for organizations, Iā€™m now embarking on a mission to extend that support to individuals like you, who are ready to forge new paths in their lives. My journey began with a profound desire to empower through education, leading to the founding of The Competency Group Inc. in 1997. This venture flourished under my guidance, becoming a beacon for competency-based training and development, a testament to my belief in the transformative power of learning and skill enhancement.

I've managed a plethora of workforce development projects for a diverse range of sectors, including government and corporate clients across Canada and the United States. These experiences have enriched me with a versatile understanding of different industries and their unique challenges, and an appreciation for the diversity of skills.

Leadership has been a cornerstone of my career, having led teams ranging from a dedicated group of fifteen full-time employees to dynamic groups of up to fifty contractors. This has refined my ability to mentor and inspire individuals towards realizing their full potential, a skill I look forward to sharing in our program.

My approach to training is deeply anchored in adult learning principles, ensuring each program is thoughtfully tailored to meet the unique needs of its participants. Recognizing the distinct paths each individual takes, especially after significant life events, my programs are designed to be adaptable, centered around you, and aimed at providing positive, actionable solutions.

I've been honored with several recognitions, such as a nomination for Women Entrepreneur of the Year by the Royal Bank in 2001, highlighting my commitment and impact in the field. My academic background includes a Master's in Adult Education and advanced certifications in facilitation, further solidifying my expertise in effective learning programs.

My Story

Becoming Lady B ā€“ A symbol of transformation and new beginnings

Reflecting on the whirlwind of the past seven years since my husband passed away, I realize my journey's been quite the adventure, especially with my beloved sailboat. My story is like a mini-series of triumphs, challenges, and a lot of learning on the fly, which I think really speaks to what many widows go through when they are figuring out what comes next.

Let me take you back to where it all started. My husband and I were fixtures at our local yacht club back on the East Coast. We lived for those races, the camaraderie, and, of course, the post-race celebrations. With our eclectic mix of crew and many colorful characters at the club, it was just so much fun!

Fast forward to moving to Victoria, BC, where life threw us a curveball with my husband's cancer returning. After he passed in April 2017, I faced a multitude of decisions, including the dilemma of what to do with our sailboat still on the East Coast. With a bit of nudging from my son, dreaming of adventures with his boys, I decided to bring the boat over to BC. Let me tell you, hauling a sailboat across the country (2700 miles) in the dead of winter was no small feat!

The real adventure began when she arrived, needing more TLC than I ever anticipated. The thought of handling all that maintenance and figuring out how to be the captain of my own ship was downright daunting. But then, a tiny victory with a YouTube tutorial and the battens of the mainsail gave me a glimmer of hope.

Fast forward a bit, and there I was, feeling like a fish out of water at my new marina. My initial plan of having my son skipper the boat fell through, and I was left wondering, "Now what?" That is when I got this wild idea to recruit some volunteer skippers from my newcomers' groups and dive into the racing scene at Royal Victoria Yacht Club. Sure, we were a ragtag crew with no clue what we were doing, but the fun we had was unmatched.

The turning point came when a sailing buddy insisted, I take the helm. The thought terrified me, but his encouragement led me to take on the challenge. Learning to dock, navigate, and even race was a series of trials and errors, but it was the most exhilarating learning curve of my life. I was learning to be the captain of my own ship, and that feeling was amazing.

Through it all, I found a community, gained confidence, and even decided to rename the boat Lady B, fully embracing it as my own. This whole saga, from the highs to the lows and back up again, really mirrors the journey I envision for widows joining my program. It's about finding your footing, embracing new challenges, and sailing into a future filled with joy and purpose. As a long-time adult educator, I saw an opportunity to create a program to help women like me create a purposeful new life and hence this program was born. So, here's to Lady B, not just a sailboat, but a symbol of transformation and new beginnings. Let's set sail on this journey together!